Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Focus groups - do they get at the truth?

This blog was created to give people who participate in focus groups a chance to voice their thoughts and opinions about this method of getting into people's hearts, minds and lives. Does it work? Or are the people who pay to get you into a focus group wasting their money away on something that really doesn't get at the truth? Take our poll on the right, and then leave us an honest comment about your experiences and what you think about it all, good and bad.


Anonymous said...

The first time they called me I was skeptical but it turned out ok. The next few times I was happy to go because I needed the money. Then I started getting frustrated with the people who run these groups because I had all kinds of good ideas and I never got a chance to talk about them. Sometimes they make you talk about something really irrelevant, and other times they won't listen to you. I'm going to keep going but I wish it was less boring.

Anonymous said...

I love focus groups but I make a lot of it up so I'm not sure how much of the truth they get. Some of it is true but it's more fun if you can add a bit to your basic story.

Anonymous said...

I always tell the truth but sometimes they don't ask the right questions; i think they get their money's worth but you would really have to ask them.

Anonymous said...

The people who run these things are too controlling. They never let you talk. They don't get it that ordinary people can be intelligent.

Anonymous said...

I was in a focus group about retirement a few months ago and I must say I enjoyed it. There are many things I didn't get a chance to say but it was informative to listen to other people. I would say the organization that sponsored the focus group got their money's worth.

Anonymous said...

It's a waste of time for everybody, but I like the money.